Apollo Pet Hospital & Resort offers care for your pet through all stages of life, from babies to seniors, and from the beginning to the end. In cases of serious illness, our number one priority is treatment and curing the illness. Unfortunately, some sickness cannot be cured, and only symptoms can be treated. Animals naturally do best in their home environments, therefore if all options are exhausted for a cure, our doctors provide guidance on how to care for your pet at home in their last days. Our goal at this point is to keep your pet pain free and comfortable. Extra time at home helps you and your family come to terms with an eventual passing and gives your pet a quality of care that only you can provide.
When the time for the end has come, the staff at Apollo Pet Hospital & Resort will provide compassionate and sympathetic care to pets and their family. Your pet will be given a series of drugs that will sedate them, then slow their heart rate and breathing down until eventually they stop altogether. Your pet will be pain-free, and you will be able to be with them throughout the procedure as they simply fall asleep and pass over to the other side. This is a very sensitive and difficult time for our clients. Our staff understands the grief that you are experiencing and will help guide you through this emotional process.